Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Bedtime Story

Strange things are happening...

Gila Man has the day shift now. It's rather nice. Nice normal hours, nice normal dinner, nice normal sleep pattern. It's just that...I'm not feeling like it's normal at all. I'm feeling a little, well, a little blue, I guess.

Daddy used to get off of work at 10 in the morning, play with us, eat a large lunch (his dinner) with us, visit with us, then we would all nap together. When Mr. B woke, I got up with him up and the evening was ours. We would run errands, color, maybe watch a movie, then get ready for bed.

Now, Daddy gets home at 6 pm, we have dinner, bath, lotion, teeth, story, prayers and bed. Except I'm not the one doing the bathing. Suddenly Mr. B wants Daddy to do it. And Daddy to brush his teeth. Daddy to put on the jammies, read a story and tuck him in.

So what am I complaining about, right? I should be reveling in this new-found evening freedom. I should take this time to take a shower, finish a book, clean up the kitchen, right? I should be jammin' out to my iPod, listening to music I would never let Mr. B hear, while dancing the way I want to dance, because it's not ring-aroung-the-rosey. Well, for some reason, I just can't seem to stay away from my son's room.

I just keep thinking about a sweet-smelling, just clean from the bath little boy, who loves to cuddle up at the end of the day, read a story and listen with rapture to the make-believe tale I fabricate about a little red-headed boy named Mr.B, soaring through the clouds on the back of a flying lion. But in my story, I'm right there with him, soaring through the clouds, hanging onto him so tight, and as I give him a little squeeze, I whisper softly into his ear,

"You are stuck forever, Mr. Bentley."

"Oh Momma," my baby boy replies, "I hope so!"

3 People Shoutin' Out:

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah, I just got home from work and was surfing the net and just happened to come upon your blog... I like what you have done with it. It's fancy.

Sarah said...

Awww...thanks. It USED to be fancier. Back before everything got deleted.

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

I know how you feel. It can be depressing feeling when suddenly mom is overthrown for daddy. I know Loren and I have experienced it both.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Soon you'll hear Noah say that he wants both of you to help with everything or he'll want just you to be the one to help with everything. Right now it is exciting to have daddy around during the times that only mommy has been. But just like how a child is with a new toy, the old toys are never forgotten and are always soon added to the playtimes (not that I'm considering you a toy or anything...k, that might've been a dumb analogy).

Keep your chin up. Before you know it you'll be back on your feet and this new schedule will feel like it couldn't be any better.