Sunday, June 01, 2008

We've Moved!

Well, this blog has moved. What with all the being unable to post pictures, technical support being down, and them erasing my widgets, it's over. Done. Kaput. Like RIGHT NOW, I wanted to put up a funny pic with all of us in it, and BLOGGER WON'T LET ME DO IT! This never happens at my new blog site...sheesh!

I will admit do miss the super simple posting and navigation from blogger, but wordpress has sooooooo much more to offer and they make great improvements every day, so I'll just stay with them.

So come pay us a visit at It'll be fun, I promise. Or boring, sometimes it's boring. But mostly it's fun, with Mr. B and us and the dogs and cats and birds and Mr. B. He - makes it mostly fun.

0 People Shoutin' Out: