"Calgon, take me away!!"
Where the heck is that woman anyway? I'd like to ring her scrawny neck for saying that statement like she really meant it. Sure, like anyone could be magically whisked away to a marvelous paradise where the stress, the kids, the dogs, the hubby, and the chores, all magically fade into the background. As if something like that could ever happen, right? What a joke....
Now wait minute...wait a cotton-pickin' minute....Maybe I do believe that this can actually happen.
In a place called Rio Rico, inside a nail salon, sitting with my feet soaking in a warm, bubbly bath sipping a Dr. Pepper (a.k.a. Manna From Heaven in my Book), letting that fancy-schmancy massager chair have it's way with my back, talking about my Christmas with a couple of great gals while having my feet worked on by none other than "Mr. Handsome" (as he refers to himself). Ooh, doesn't that sound nice?

Do I love being a Mom? "Shoot! Does a bear crap in the woods?" (to directly quote Papa Neal). Of course I love being a Mom. Sheesh, what a silly question. Who asked that one anyways? Oh, me? Oh, um...right. Sooooo...Yes...I love being a Mom. But once in awhile, I love just being a girl too. Love to talk and laugh and giggle and talk and laugh and not have to worry about what my child is getting into during that moment of relaxation (thanks so much for taking care of Noah for me Helaman, it sure made my day. Or week or month. Pick one). So we're clear on the Mom issue, right. That I LOVE it, and it's fulfilling and fun and exciting, right?
Then perhaps you can see that though I love being a Mom, I sometimes need a little break from the grind. So I did what any savy desperate-to-get-out-of-the-house-and-carry-on-a-decent-conversation-about-something-that-doesn't-begin-with-the-word-why girl would do; I went to get a pedicure! Talk about taking me away! Did I mention that I was with two great girls who are amazing and funny and who I even like a little bit? Oh, there's that too.
Never underestimate the power of a massage chair and a little talking with your girlfriends. It could mean the difference between a happy Momma or a grumpy Momma.

2 People Shoutin' Out:
Hey! I wondered what happened to you, but didn't know how to find ya! Noah has gotten so big! I can't believe our boys are 3. We sure miss you guys, but this will be a fun way to keep in touch. I'll be in SV till March, let me know if you're ever in the area!
I totally agree with you! Mom's need their break too. It's so worth the 30 bucks, right? Our hubby's get their breaks and our kids are always getting their breaks, but when do we moms get a break from our 24 hour job? We have to work all the time--regarless of being sick or well. So way to go! Get that pedicure that you so deserve! I have a gift card that Loren got me for Christmas for a mani/pedi and now that I'm feeling somewhat better and the holidays are over, I'm going to use it and enjoy it thankyouverymuch!
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