Friday, January 18, 2008
We're Moving!!
Super Sarah around 2:02 PM 1 People Shoutin' Out
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A Bedtime Story
So what am I complaining about, right? I should be reveling in this new-found evening freedom. I should take this time to take a shower, finish a book, clean up the kitchen, right? I should be jammin' out to my iPod, listening to music I would never let Mr. B hear, while dancing the way I want to dance, because it's not ring-aroung-the-rosey. Well, for some reason, I just can't seem to stay away from my son's room.
I just keep thinking about a sweet-smelling, just clean from the bath little boy, who loves to cuddle up at the end of the day, read a story and listen with rapture to the make-believe tale I fabricate about a little red-headed boy named Mr.B, soaring through the clouds on the back of a flying lion. But in my story, I'm right there with him, soaring through the clouds, hanging onto him so tight, and as I give him a little squeeze, I whisper softly into his ear,
"You are stuck forever, Mr. Bentley."
"Oh Momma," my baby boy replies, "I hope so!"
Super Sarah around 7:27 PM 3 People Shoutin' Out
The Last Straw...
Super Sarah around 12:14 PM 0 People Shoutin' Out
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Need A Babysitter?
Long, long ago, in a faraway land, there was a woman who had three precious little boys. The boys names were Kyle, Lane, and Zach. They were sweet, perfect little ones who posessed the natural curiosity that all boys seem to have inherited. Except then their mother woke up from the drug-induced coma she was enjoying and realized that she was still the mother of these three busy little vermin. In desperation, the mother (oh, heck! Let's just call her Katie, for fun), um, Katie, called upon her single friend (and we'll call the friend Sarah) Sarah, to come over so Katie could run to Dairy Queen and enjoy a moment's peace and eat something all to herself, all by herself.
Was Single Sarah worried about taking on the challenge of three very busy, very mischevious little boys? Oh, no. Not Single Sarah. For in times of trouble, when things got tough, suddenly Single Sarah became....dum da da da!! (Fanfare, please!) SUPER SARAH!!! All it takes is a Dr. Pepper and a little duct tape, and Super Sarah has the situation under control!
This is what happens when little boys take off all the cabinet doors in the kitchen while Super Sarah is cleaning up the baby powder mess in the living room. It looks like little Zach is off to tell his mommy (a.k.a. Krazy Katie) what a meanie Super Sarah is....
Here we are a few months later, and we just haven't learned our lesson yet. Did we have fun today while mommy was gone? Of course. Were we good while mommy was gone? Naturally. Sarah, will you come back and watch the kids this Friday night? Sure!! Just let me run by Home Depot on my way, and we'll be in for a wild time!!!
Super Sarah around 8:28 PM 0 People Shoutin' Out
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Best Cookbook. EVER!!
I don't know how to boil eggs. *Sigh* Really.
Any attempts at cooking eggs in water end up eggs that are either super-tough and rubbery, or I cut them open and the yolk is still runny in the middle. I know that it's pathetic, I know it's something I should have been born with, it SHOULD be in my genes, because my Aunt Dee Dee and my Mommy can both boil eggs to perfection. But I am a failure. Or, was a failure, rather. Because with the Christmas money my Grandad gave me last year, I went out and bought myself this book. It should be titled; The Best Cookbook EVER Even If You Can't Boil Eggs or Make Potato Salad or Don't Know How To Bake A Chicken.
Don't know which cut of beef to buy to barbeque on the grill? This book's got it. Wondering what the difference between an yam and a sweet potato is? Check. Question about pie crusts? Check. Chicken? Check. Cakes? Check. Wondering how to cook fish for your husband who never grew up with it so automatically assumes fish is digusting because it's a not "meat and potatoes" kind of meal? Triple CHECK!!! (Try the Crispy-Oven-Fried-Fish Recipe, it's fantastic).
So, it can be summed up like this:
Sitting around the table and eating a piece of meat other than chicken or pork chops and have everyone eat all the food on their plate and not complain about the "weird" food I try to force my husband to consume; Priceless!
Super Sarah around 2:47 PM 2 People Shoutin' Out
Thursday, January 10, 2008
What The Heck Is A Spoof?
Super Sarah around 10:48 AM 3 People Shoutin' Out
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I Got It...
Well, I finally got it. That nasty cold I've been avoiding since the first of December. Sheesh...I really don't like being sick, but I don't know what's worse, being sick or seeing the plethora of chores that awaits me when I eventually DO get well. Yesterday, my every hour was spent on the sofa, trying to enjoy a Smallville marathon and keep Noah fed. I actually had a little more energy today and ventured into the spare bedroom and ploppped down in front of the computer. If I'm gonna sit, I might as well check my e-mails and post a blog, right?
The silly thing is, I really don't mind being sick right now. I mean, I've been fighting colds and washing my hands and taking tons of vitamin C and drinking lots of Airborne and praying that I wouldn't get sick duing Christmas because I had so much to do I just didn't have time to get sick. So if I'm gonna get sick, it might as well be when I don't have much going on, when I can sit in front of the computer or T.V. and veg out, ya know? It could be worse, so I'll just be sick and just get over it and go on living. Anyways...
(Noah and Aly)
Here are a few pictures of Noah and his two best friends before Christmas. Yes, I know they are girls, but he likes them anyways. Ha, ha. He gets to do stuff with them that he doesn't get to do at home - like play with a Dora the Explorer kitchen, or watch the girls put on makeup or lipstick (or watch the moms put on the lipstick, hee hee). We had some pizza and a little gift exchange and we just really enjoyed ourselves over at Karla's house. This was just one of the many things that we did before the New Year, so again - I'll take being sick now over being sick then anyday!
(Audrey, Robin, and Sarah Ann)
Super Sarah around 9:30 AM 2 People Shoutin' Out
Saturday, January 05, 2008
A Time For Our Toes...

"Calgon, take me away!!"
Where the heck is that woman anyway? I'd like to ring her scrawny neck for saying that statement like she really meant it. Sure, like anyone could be magically whisked away to a marvelous paradise where the stress, the kids, the dogs, the hubby, and the chores, all magically fade into the background. As if something like that could ever happen, right? What a joke....
Now wait minute...wait a cotton-pickin' minute....Maybe I do believe that this can actually happen.

Super Sarah around 7:17 PM 2 People Shoutin' Out
Friday, January 04, 2008
Interesting Tidbits One Learns During Christmas

So, the Holidays (Ooooooh, better not say Christmas or anything like that), er......Christmas has come and gone, as has the beginning of the New Year, and I have yet to type even a little note in here about the goings on of one little family on the border of Arizona. I profusely apologize and ask that you be patient as I re-live the events of the last month or so (sheesh! Has it really been that long?). I'll just give you a little overview instead:

We didn't think Helaman would get any time off for Christmas because he didn't get even one day off for Thanksgiving, so we had our own little gift exchange here in Rio Rico the Saturday before Christmas so we could enjoy it together. I then traveled to Pearce to enjoy the week of Christmas with my family. We were pleasently suprised when we found out that Helaman got the two days after Christmas off so he could come out to Pearce (yipeeeee!) and have fun with all the family. By all I mean myself & Noah, my younger brother Richard and his fiance Stephanie, my youngest brother Michael and his girlfriend Stephanie (yes, they really have the same name), Aunt Dee Dee, Uncle Mel, and Jason, my Grandad, and my parents. The cute brick house was bursing at the mortar with all those guests, but we couldn't have had a better time. A few highlights would be:
* "These Boots Were Made for hum, hum. And that's just what hum, hum. Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum boots are gonna hum all over hum." (During a wild Cranium game)
* Medusa?!?! What the heck?!?! (Again, during Cranium, cheaters!)
* Learning that it's fun to have an Oregon Ducks fan and an Arizona Wildcat fan giving gifts in the same room to the same family on Christmas morning.
* Trying to understand that no matter what the dog does, if the dog gets upset, it will ALWAYS be the child's fault.
* Giggling with glee when we see that there can never be to many presents underneath that Christmas tree.
* Coming to an understanding that each person will choose their own path in life and that it's ok to let them choose that path.
* Knowing that we should show support for each other no matter what those choices may be - because we love each other.
* Learning that it's actually against the law to pump your own gas in the state of Oregon (really, it's true!!).
* Seeing that every female member of the family can look super cute when their hair is french-braided, no matter how long (or short) their hair may be!
* Understanding that no matter what our differences may be, what life we choose to live, what mistakes we might make, or how far away any of us live, we are still connected at the heart and we are a family who loves and care for one another like nobody else can. We can understand each other when those in the world can't hear us. We have some sort of bond, and it shows when you get us all together in the same house. Even if it's a little stinkier, you can still grasp a feeling you can never duplicate or feel any other time than when you are in the company of those you love; your family.

Super Sarah around 8:45 PM 2 People Shoutin' Out