Sunday, July 02, 2006

Oh, The Shame...

Well, here's my snazzy cute PINK crown I got to wear for my birthday! Isn't it just, soooooo....hideous?!?! This would mostly be because I have a deep hatred (a word that I don't use lightly) for this color. Why? Could it be that I was the only girl in my family and therefore I was forced to wear it? That every accessory for every Barbie or Cabbage Patch Kid I had was some shade of puice? That year after year (long after I was hating the 11th grade) when school shopping time came around, I STILL had to get some sort of pink shoe. But I'm not bitter about it, oh no! Not when my husband comes in, stands over my shoulder and says,
"You're putting that on your site? I mean, c'mon! There are cold, hungry, lonely people in the world. At least you had money to buy shoes."
So here's a pic of me in this cute crown, sitting in a comfy chair, getting ready to open more gifts that some kings get buried with, and looking at a cake the size of one of those starving countries (more like a big slab of humble pie). Sheesh, Gila Man...way to spoil my fun...
Have a Happy Fourth!!

3 People Shoutin' Out:

Anonymous said... were very PRETTY IN PINK young lady!! Still are if I must say so myself....(okay okay, so I am your would look beautiful in anything).....

Happy Birthday Queen Sarah!!

Love MOM

Sarah said...

Oh, gee...Thanks Mom...

Norm! said...

PINK...P-I-N-K.....Yep! It be Pink alrighty! Looks mighty fetchin' on yer head, too! Danged shame ye don't like PINK! It likes YOU!I reckon them durned Post Office workers here musta et my piece of Birthday Cake, dang it! Oh Well, Sure hope they don't eat the fudge I send out this year, too!