Thursday, January 18, 2007

Yet ANOTHER Thing I Can't Yell At My Husband About...

I turned on the little space heater in the bathroom at 11 a.m. this morning in order to heat the room sufficiently to take a shower and shave my legs without scraping all the goosebumps off along with the hair by this evening. I entered the *grin* WARM room and turned on the water so it, too, would be *big grin* WARM so I would eventually get *full, ear-to-ear, Cheshire Cat smile goin' on here* WARM. But when I turned the handle on the faucet, I realized that someone forgot to turn off the shower head from the last visit to WARM fairy land and I was covered in a spray of icy cold darts of coldness and it was COLD darn it! Really cold. And I was mad and I almost cursed! But who is there to hear my rantings and ravings? AND, by golly, who is to blame? Only me. Poor, pathetic, cold, lonely me. Hurry Home Gila Man!!

2 People Shoutin' Out:

Anonymous said...

Awww....that's so sweet Kevn (no "i" no "e")! It's so heart warming to have somebody Lambsons...

RBothman said...

First visit...looks good...You need some good pictures of the house. Both inside and outside would be nice. A little less emphasis on toilet seats and more on Helaman and his assignment in Nogales.

All is well here.