Alright, alright, already. Here are a few pics of the new place, though Helaman took them and, well, you just have to work with what 'cha got. There's a lovely pic of the front, then of Noah's partially painted room, then the guest bathroom (showing the toilet seat the He-Man left up), then the dark kitchen, then the bright kitchen. That's it. Our cute little home. I love it. It's mine! Um..well technically ours, but MINE all the same.
It's nice to be able to paint your own home whichever color you so choose from the mulit-million blobs of color you have to choose from. It's nice to paint half the wall and decide that this particular shade of brown looks like a burrito on the wrong end of a diaper, so I just haphazardly painted my name, looped in a couple of smiley faces, and slid in a poem. Then painted over it!! Fun stuff.
It's nice to load a dishwasher so wrong that not even one piece of silverware comes out clean. Oh, but it was fun to load!! Oops, I'll get it right someday.
It's nice to turn the thermostat to 60 degrees at night and not have to start a fire with the pellets or worry about Noah getting them and putting them in his mouth or putting his race car in the hopper or anything like that. It just turns on, and this wonderful, warm air comes streaming out of the vents. Nice.
It's nice to sleep on an air mattress on the carpeted floor of the concrete that's been laid on the land that we own. I like to go outside and play in the sand that sits in the front yard that belongs to my husband and I. The sand that he's worked so hard for. We have this teeny little home that sits on a bare lot on a dirt road. And it feels so right to walk in that front door and know that we've worked hard and sacrificed for this, and it's finally one of our little dreams coming true. Oh, it's nice.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
A Few Nice Things About Owning Your Home...
Super Sarah around 10:32 PM 5 People Shoutin' Out
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Well, here it is...4 years married and we still like each other. It pretty easy to do since he's over 8 hours away. My parents took me out to dinner tonight to celebrate cuz they probably knew I'd just sit at home, eat cereal for dinner and feel sorry for myself all night long. The lady at the resturant gave me a free fried ice-cream, and I must admit, it was kinda nice not to have to share it. Heeee heeee.
I love ya babe, and miss you more than I thought I ever would.
I like to pride myself (just a little, though) on my independence. I like to do things myself, fix the things I can by myself, work out problems on my own, and just generally do the things I can because I know I can. This was one of the biggest problems for us when we first got married; letting Helaman do stuff! Open the doors, help with dishes (ha, I bet he's regretting that move!), lift stuff, and just generally do stuff for me. So for me, I thought I could do this 4 month stint without a hitch. And I did. The first month was almost fun. Then the second month was cold and lonely and cold. Then the third month was cold, lonely, cold, and busy. Noah is ready for his Daddy to come home and so am I. I guess I am not the complete super-woman I would like to think I am and that's very hard for me to admit, especially to Helaman. Cuz, hello? My pride? It might get a chip knocked out of it or something. I'm not a sissy, but I have to admit; I need my husband. He is wonderful. He is perfect for me, and I for him.
Happy Anniversary Babe. I love ya and miss you more than I ever thought I could.
Super Sarah around 10:11 PM 0 People Shoutin' Out
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